Monday, August 23, 2010

Monday, August 23, 2010 - Continued

We have been playing a lot today. Here are some snap shots that I took today that Russ and I just love.... Had to share!


Tina said...

Such a precious angel!!! She makes my heart smile, I can only imagine how happy Mom and Dad are.
Hope you have a blessed day,
Love ya

Monica Stanley said...

Awh Lisa, Allison is such a beautiful lil girl!!! She looks SO happy. I know you and Russell are in heaven!! I've finally been reading your blog this morn and been in tears all morn long!! Congratulations girlfriend. Love you and can't wait to meet Allison. Hope yall are having fun and have a safe trip home.

Our Journey to China said...

Absolutely precious!

Hope for Lucy said...

My goodness...I just cant get enough of those smiles! I counting the days until I get to see ALL of you. I love you guys!