Friday, July 16, 2010

A Free Pass and Vitals

It is not often a husband gets a free pass on his wife's birthday.
Yesterday I got a free pass. There was nothing I could do that could ruin Lisa's birthday.
I don't think I will ever get another pass like that. I wish I could have caught the moment that Lisa saw her daughters picture for the first time on video. I was driving at the time and missed the moment. I will have to be satisfied with a mental picture. One that I will never forget.
So, by now you have all seen the pictures, wish I had more to share but as I don't, here are the details for Alison:

She is currently residing at the Poyang SWI in Jiangxi province on the banks of Poyang lake.
Birthday 11/13/2009
As of 4/13/2010 (5 months)
Height 60 cm (23.6 inches)
Weight 5.8 kg (15.5 lbs)
Her physical examination record is very clean showing normal or none for all conditions.
She is a sound sleeper. I am very happy for that!
She is very aware and attentive of her surroundings.
She is on a daily schedule for eating and sleeping.
She can hold her head up while laying on her stomach and can roll over.
She is active and fond of music and will smile readily.
Gets excited when she sees food. Just like her daddy!
She is attached to her caregiver. It is conforting to know that she made an attachment but will be hard to break that.


Heather BT said...

I should have guesses, all the kids (including mine) from Jiangxi are Very attractive.
You'll love Nanchang!
Buy lots of the local porcelain!
Check out our blog in May '07 to see some pix.

Tina said...

Jiangxi rocks!! Let me know when you get hotel choices. Connie can help with this one too :)
She is just perfect and we can't wait to see that beautiful face in person!!

Our Journey to China said...

Yeah, Jiangxi! Emma is from Jiangxi. We were just in Nanchang in February, any questions, we would be glad to answer them. And yes, we did not buy enough porcelain - buy more! A tea set for you and her are a must!! And we can tell you which ones are better. :0)If you stay at the Gloria, there is a great shop near the hotel and close to the Pagoda. :0) We walked there several times. We are so excited for you guys!!!!

Hope for Lucy said...

I think Jerry and I just need to go with you since that is where our sweet Lily is from. Oh I just loved Jiangxi!
So much porcelain....and I still didnt get enough.
We are so excited and cant wait to see our baby girl.
WE love you!


Carla said...

I bet the look on her face was priceless...and I'm still so incredibly happy for you all!!!

Tricia Thompson said...

Congratulations on your referral! She is just beautiful. I am friends with Connie Green and I adopted a little girl from China (Huazhou City - Guangdong) back in December. Your life will never be the same - it is awesome! God Bless.
Tricia Thompson

Single Women Adopting Children said...

She is beautiful and you both are so lucky! Congrats!