Saturday, October 18, 2008

House, Before & After

Can you see what Russ had done today?
Some guy came by and asked if there was anything that we needed done around our house that he could do for us and Russ said, YES! You can cut down this tree.
I loved that tree, but it was messy.
It was a holly tree and it would drop sickers and berry's all over the ground.
And it was rubbing on the roof. It does look better. Now my fountain will not get so dirty.
Anyway... It's gone now.


Hope for Lucy said...

I love your front porch and wish we had one that big. Just think one day soon you will be rocking "TWO' BABIES!

Im so glad we got to see one another night tonight and thank you for all arranging our gathering! You are the best.

Look foward to seeing you at Mommy breakfast.

Hugs to both!

The Princess's Mommy said...

It looks great! Your cakes look yummy, too! Good Job!!
