Family, Friends, Pumpkin Patch, Halloween, Candy...FUN!

She loves to play with pom poms! Could I have a future cheerleader on my hands!?
In honor of our sweet black lab, Hunter, that past away the day we left for China on Aug 15, 2010. We named this stuffed lab Hunter. Ali loves to play with him. She would have loved to play with the real Hunter if he was still with us.
Liz Hurley Run. We only walked the Survior walk with My Sweet and Dear Friend Elizabeth (#2845) She has so far beat Brest Cancer! We hope and pray that it will NEVER show it's ugly face again!! I Love you Elizabeth!!
There is NOTHING like the LOVE of a cousin! These two are so funny when they get together. Well, that are funny apart from each other, but it is double the fun when they are together. Getting ready to go to Tate Farms and pick out pumpkins and play play play!!!
At Tate Farms, yes Ali has on different clothes. She had an acident because Mommy didn't change her when she had a chance to before lunch! Here we are in the cotton patch. Amryn and Ali had so much fun at Tate Farms.
I couldn't get Ali to sit down so I could get a pic like I have from the yea before. lol Silly girl!
Ali's FIRST Trick or Treat! Our FCC had Trunk or Treat for the kiddo's at Jimmy Gill park in Athens. Here are just A FEW of the loves we have in our group. We will have 4 or 5 more sweet loves come home in 2012!
Getting ready to go to Church. She loves to pick the flowers!
Daddy and Ali getting ready to carv the pumkin Ali go at Tate Farms. She loved it. I think Daddy had more fun though! lol
Ali's First Trick or Treating on Halloween night! Oh My Word! she was a pro! lol We tried to teach her to say Trick or Treat before we started. So when we got to a house, we would ask..." What do yu say, ALi?" She would saw "Pweeze" and hold her pumkin up! lol Then we would tell her to say "Thank You" she would tell them "Welcome". lol What a fun night! lol