Thursday, September 02, 2010

Is It Time to Go Home Yet???

Gosh, We have been in China for almost three whole weeks!
We are so ready to come home.

Today we got up, went down to breakfast and then to the Chen Ancestral Lineage Hall.
The main gate was under construction, so we had to take a long was around to get in. We walked thru some very old housing. It was very interesting. The Family Hall was very very pretty. But I must say... There hasn't been one single place that Russ and I have gone to that wasn't just absolutely beautiful. We spent about an hour there this morning.

Afterwards, we went to the Carefree super market. It was like walking into a military PX or BX. We got a few things to get us through the next few days and our trip home.

Once we got back to the hotel Russell and Ali took a nap. Or I should say that Russell took a nap, Ali acted like she took one! I think it lasted about 15 minutes. Then she was ready to play.

Today Russ and I had to swear that all our information that we have given to Immigration was true to the best of out knowledge. Ali was the 3rd person called up. But, now she goes from first to last! lol I got a little emotional. But that lasted about a few seconds because I had to change a wet diaper. We were told we couldn't bring any camera's so we didn't get any photo's at the Immigration department. Tomorrow we will get Ali's visa and our Brown Envelope!

When we got back to the hotel we gathered up ALL the medications we brought with us that we haven't even touched and gave it all to our guide to donate to a couple from Australia that comes and helps sick children. I can't remember the name of the Mission they do. We were going to do a little more shopping before dinner but someone had other plans for us. She went down for a nap and we headed to Lucy's. Now we are back in our room. Russ and I are ready for bed, but Ali is wide awake!

Last night we let her stay up till she was ready to go to sleep instead of rocking her to sleep at 8. Guess what!? We got some sleep! She woke up around 1:30 and we quickly changed her and gave her a small bottle. She was out like a light real fast! She slept till at least 7:30 this morning.
Right now she and Daddy are on the bed. Daddy is watching the Discovery channel...(Just like at home!) and Ali is sitting next to him playing with her toys.

We are almost on the home stretch. Just one more full day in Guangzhou then to Hong Kong on Saturday then HOME on Sunday. These three weeks have really gone by fast. China is a very beautiful place, But there is nothing like HOME SWEET HOME!

Thanks for following us through this wonderful journey. We have been so blessed with a Beautiful child and great Family and Friends. We just don't know what we would have done with out those of you who have helped make this journey come true.

We thank God everyday for all our blessings!
Oh before I forget...Last night while we at dinner, we sat next to the Alabama license plate and Russell was trying to get Ali to say Alabama....EVEN Louise thought Ali said ALABAMA!! lol So, when we get home and you think she is saying Alabama...SHE MIGHT BE!! hahaha


Hope for Lucy said...

We ALL are ready for you to come home. Its seems like you have been gone for more than 3 weeks. Thank you for letting us follow your journey. China will always be a part of our heart. Cant wait to see you at the airport.

Love you

Aunt Shell Shell & Uncle Mike said...